Electric vehicle viability.

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Electric vehicle viability.

Post by TimBrown » 12:03 Tuesday 3rd August 2021

The attached article about economic viability of electric cars appeared in The Daily Telegraph yesterday Monday 2 August 2021. Some of the points are relevant to much larger passenger conveyances such as buses and coaches. The comment about shortage of Lithium is one of my pet concerns and ought to be taken on board by HM government who are attempting to foist electric cars on all buyers of new vehicles by 2030.

One strange concept recently proposed is that motorways be fitted with overhead trolley wires for heavy commercials and coaches! Perhaps such massive capital outlay should be transferred to bringing back trolleybuses in our major cities and electrifying most of the railway system? Sadly the effect of Covid expenditure on National Debt has already seen cuts in major transport projects such as main-line electrification and the Leeds section of controversial HS2 rail line, so there must be other disappointments in the pipeline.
Electric car debate. 001 (2).jpg

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Re: Electric vehicle viability.

Post by MattW » 19:16 Tuesday 3rd August 2021

Good job I'm about to buy a petrol V8 then - while I still can!

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Re: Electric vehicle viability.

Post by Julie » 22:59 Monday 9th August 2021

Trolley wires on the motorway? Is it April 1st already?

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Re: Electric vehicle viability.

Post by TimBrown » 12:14 Tuesday 10th August 2021

Julie wrote:
22:59 Monday 9th August 2021
Trolley wires on the motorway? Is it April 1st already?
Did steam men think that way when the West Coast Main line was electrified? Most of Europe relies on overhead catenary for its rail traction; I do see all sorts of problems with trolley wires on a motorway though especially with the old trolleybus adage of 'overtaking the bus in front forbidden'.

However, I believe the world has to make drastic changes in the coming months and years to prevent the 'Condition Red' on Climate Change just reported this week becoming 'Condition Mass Starvation' when arable crop growing regions become dust-bowls in the intense 45 degree heat, or ruined by floods brought about by rising sea levels. Power generation and personal transportation i.e. cars will be fairly low down on the agenda!

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Re: Electric vehicle viability.

Post by Julie » 17:52 Tuesday 10th August 2021

It is with us already Tim.

I went to fill up my car this afternoon only to find that ordinary unleaded is now E10, which my car cannot use. It will burn in the engine but the extra ethanol will dissolve various bits of the fuel system at the same time.

So, I had to use the "super unleaded" E5 but that costs an extra 13p per litre x 50 litres = £6.60. Ouch.

Now, how do I fit trolley poles to a 1987 Ford Sierra?

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